
Als novel methylation targets. Cancer Res. 2004;64:2424?3. Raval A, Lu…

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Als novel methylation targets. Cancer Res. 2004;64:2424?3. Raval A, Lucas DM, Matkovic JJ, Bennett KL, Liyanarachchi S, Young DC, et al. TWIST2 demonstrates differential methylation in immunoglobulin variable heavy chain mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23:3877?5. Raval A, Byrd JC, Plass C. Epigenetics in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Semin Oncol. 2006;33:157?6. Liu TH, Raval A, Chen SS, Matkovic JJ, Byrd JC, Plass C. CpG island methylation and expression of the secreted frizzled-related protein gene family in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cancer Res. 2006;66:653?. Corcoran M, Parker A, Orchard J, Davis Z, Wirtz M, Schmitz OJ, et al. ZAP-70 methylation status is associated with ZAP-70 expression status in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Haematologica. 2005;90:1078?8. Strathdee G, Sim A, Parker A, Oscier D, Brown R. Promoter hypermethylation silences expression of the HoxA4 gene and correlates with IgVh mutational status in CLL. Leukemia. 2006;20:1326?. Kanduri M, Cahill N, Goransson H, Enstr C, Ryan F, Isaksson A, et al. Differential genome-wide array-based methylation profiles in prognostic subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 2010;115:296?05. Cahill N, Bergh AC, Kanduri M, G ansson-Kultima H, Mansouri L, Isaksson A, et al. 450 K-array analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells reveals global DNA methylation to be relatively stable over time and similar in resting and proliferative compartments. Leukemia. 2013;27:150?. Ronchetti D, Tuana G, Rinaldi A, Agnelli L, Cutrona G, Mosca L, et al. Distinct patterns of global promoter methylation in early stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2014;53:264?3. Rahmatpanah FB, Carstens S, Hooshmand SI, Welsh EC, Sjahputera O, Taylor KH, et al. Large-scale analysis of DNA methylation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Epigenomics. 2009;1:39?1. Kanduri M, Marincevic M, Halld sd tir AM, Mansouri L, Junevik K, Ntoufa S, et al. Distinct transcriptional control in major immunogenetic subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia exhibiting subset-biased global DNA methylation profiles. Epigenetics. 2012;7:1435?2. Tong WG, Wierda WG, Lin E, Kuang SQ, Bekele BN, Estrov Z, et al. Genomewide DNA methylation profiling of chronic lymphocytic leukemia allows identification of epigenetically repressed molecular pathways with clinical impact. Epigenetics. PubMed ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3021955 2010;5:499?08. Jones PA. Functions of DNA methylation: islands, start sites, gene bodies and beyond. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13:484?2. Rai K. A critical analysis of staging in CLL. In: Gale R, Rai K, editors. Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia: Recent progress and future direction. New York, NY: Alan R Liss; 1987. p. 59?53.References 1. Chiorazzi N, Rai KR, Ferrarini M. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:804?5. 2. Damle RN, Wasil T, Fais F, Ghiotto F, Valetto A, Allen SL, et al. IgV gene mutation status and CD38 expression Vitamin D2 as novel prognostic indicators in chronic PubMed ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18218841 lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 1999;94:1840?. 3. Krober A, Seiler T, Benner A, Bullinger L, Br kle E, Lichter P, et al. V (H) mutation status, CD38 expression level, genomic aberrations, and survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 2002;100:1410?. 4. D ig J, N kel H, Cremer M, F rer A, Halfmeyer K, Fandrey J, et al. ZAP-70 expression is a prognostic factor in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia. 2003;17:2426?4. 5. Gentile M, Mauro FR, Calabrese E, De Propris MS, Giammartini E, Mancini F, et al. The prognostic value of CD.


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