
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has requested the Indonesian Broadcasting …

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작성자 Dorthy Loya
댓글 0건 조회 21회 작성일 24-08-21 15:03


This was shared by Fahmi at the Readiness Roll Call of Voter Data Update Officers (Pantarlih) for the Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub) at the Jakarta International Velodrome, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, on Monday. "Yes, there has been an increase compared to the 2024 General Election. In the 2024 General Election, our number of voters was 8,252,897," said Fahmi.

087759000_1702970959-IMG-20231219-WA0021.jpgMeanwhile, Populix Research Manager Nazmi Haddyat Tamara said, in a survey of journalists, it was found that the most frequently mentioned threats in the last election were individuals or groups with personal motives (36 percent) and candidate success teams (33 percent) .

"Whether through the civil service, retired military and police, socio-cultural groups, professional groups such as doctors, cultural figures, engineers, agricultural experts, and all other professionals can join PDIP," said Hasto.

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto voiced his opinion on the discussion about a duet between Anies Baswedan and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, also known as Ahok, as governor and deputy governor candidates in the Jakarta Pilkada. Hasto stated that his party is open to the nation's best talents.

According to Fahmi, there has been an increase of 62,000 in the DPT for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. This increase was found by KPU Jakarta after synchronizing the List of Potential Voters (DP4) from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementerian Dalam Negeri) with the DPT from the 2024 General Election. "In the upcoming Pilkada, the number of DPT after synchronization is 8,315,669, so there has been an increase of 62,000 voters," he stated. Fahmi explained that the increase in the DPT for the Pilkada occurred due to the high population activity in Jakarta. Therefore, the DPT for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada can still change. "Population activity in Jakarta is very dynamic. Today there may be 8,315,669 voters in the list, but in a week or a month, there could be changes due to people moving in or out, or deaths," he explained.

Forms of violence during election coverage include coverage bans (44 percent), reporting bans (41 percent), terror and intimidation (38 percent), deletion of coverage results (35 percent), threats (23 percent), and the remainder in the form of digital attacks, destruction or confiscation of equipment, and physical violence.

"In the Journalist Safety Index report, it was found that during the 2024 election process, threats against journalists tended to increase. As many as 84 percent of journalists reported increased pressure or threats during the last election process and considered it 'threatening'. Of that number, 51 percent even categorized it as 'very threatening'," said Purba in his media release, Thursday, June 6, 2024 . [Read More](5614984 5615177 5615442)

067648700_1705840509-Gibran_Raka.jpgAccording to Anies, besides support from the National Awakening Party (PKB) and PKS, there will be other political parties (parties) that will also back his determination. "Praise be to God after PKB and PKS, Insyaallah there will be other parties willing to fight together to restore Jakarta a modern city with content citizens," said Anies through his Instagram account @aniesbaswedan on Wednesday. Anies is currently in Spain. He mentioned that upon returning to the homeland, he will soon communicate with PKS leadership to discuss further steps for the future Jakarta Pilkada 2024. "We've struggled together in Jakarta as well as nationally with PKS, Insyaallah we will continue to fight together in the future," he said.

Data collection for the Journalist Safety Index survey was conducted from January 22 to February 13, 2024, using a self-filling method by sending questionnaires to journalists registered in various organizations, visiting journalists in the field, and interviewing some journalists to verify crucial information .

Muhammad Syahrul voiced his gratitude and acknowledgment for being granted the responsibility to work together in the Gresik Pilkada. "We will promptly organize and engage, as well as socialize and meet the people to reach the goal of success," he said on Monday. Regarding his explanation for choosing Tri Putro Utomo as his running mate, Syahrul recognized the promise and notoriety that is anticipated to attract votes. "Mas Tri is a prosperous entrepreneur, he also represents the south of Gresik, while I symbolize the central and north. Our acronym 'Santri' is a representation of Gresik," said the 33-year-old politician. Expected to challenge the sitting candidate, Syahrul stated that he is prepared and dedicated to making Gresik improved and progressive. With the recommendation letter given to the "Santri" duo, PKB and NasDem decided to form a coalition in the voting scheduled for November 27, 2024. Although they have enough seats to register with the KPU (PKB 14 seats and NasDem two seats), they are continuing to talk with other political parties that have similar goals.

"KPI and KPID should educate the public on the conduct and results of the elections through well-produced, positive, and neutral broadcasts. This is crucial to shield the public from misinformation (hoaxes)," said Ma'ruf, reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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